How To Cure Cough Naturally

HOw To Cure Cough Naturally

Gather your herbal ingredients. This recipe calls for slippery elm powder, cinnamon, honey, orange essential oil and lemon essential oil.[27]
You can buy slippery elm bark and the essential oils from most health food stores, herbal shops, or online herbal retailers such as Mountain Rose Herbs.

Slippery elm contains a substance called mucilage. This becomes gel-like when combined with water or honey. This can help coat the mouth, throat, and digestive tract.[28]
Native Americans used this herbal remedy for centuries to calm coughs and gastrointestinal problems.[29]
Slippery elm has not been shown to cause any medical complications, unlike other herbal supplements. Little formal research has been conducted to show how effective it is at

treating medical conditions. [30]
Remember that clinical studies have shown that honey is a very effective treatment for coughs. [31]
Cinnamon may also have some effectiveness at controlling a bad cough.

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Place 1 cup of slippery elm powder, 4 tablespoons (59.1 ml) of honey, and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into a bowl. Stir very thoroughly to combine.[33]
If the honey is too stiff has crystallized, try warming up the jar under warm water.
This should thin the honey or reconstitute it.
Sometimes this mixture is very dry and crumbly. If this is the case, you can add two more tablespoons of honey to make it easier to work with.
When finished the mixture should resemble a soft dough. It may be sticky because of the honey.

Add the essential oils to the mixture. Use a dropper to make sure you get the right amount of drops for each.[34]
You will need 10 drops of orange essential oil and 6 drops of lemon essential oil.
Mix these into the cough lozenge mixture thoroughly.
You want to make sure they are incorporated evenly into the dough.

Roll small portions of the lozenge dough into small balls. These should be roughly the size of a teaspoon.[35]
Place these on a sheet of wax paper or parchment.
You can lay this on a counter or a baking sheet.

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Place the lozenges in an area where they won't be disturbed.
These cough lozenges may not be very attractive but they contain effective ingredients.

Let the lozenges dry for at least 24 hours before storing or using. You may need to leave them longer if you live in a humid climate.[36]
To store the lozenges, wrap them in wax paper.
Alternatively, you can store them in an airtight jar.
These will last approximately 3 weeks when stored properly.
The recipe should make about 36 lozenges.


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